Staying away with horses – what to pack!

What a few busy months I’ve had with the horses, staying away at Hartpury Petplan Championships, Sheepgate Area Festivals and then the most recent Senior Home International at Vale View. Next up we will be heading to Arena UK in October to compete in 3 classes at the Petplan Area Festival Championships on Swatch.

What’s New? Uvex Sports Style and Twin Flex Riding Gloves – with glamour styling!

We love to keep up with new products and innovation, and have been excited to discover the new glove designs from German, ultra-hip, techy design house Uvex. Our quest for great riding gloves has explored most brands and needless to say there are some great options out there, but many lack the sensitivity, comfort and durability I need from a riding glove, let alone the style.

It’s the little things… one pair of shoes and a whole lot of lifestyle

With Burghley well and truly done and dusted, the touring spectacle that is Eventing has moved onto Blenheim. Despite the awful weather on Saturday, Burghley was a great success, with the publication that I developed, with uptown E Store, ‘A little Book of Burghley Style’ receiving some great reviews from readers and the brands that were involved. If you have yet to read it, I’ve embedded a copy at the end of this blog.

A featured brand was Fairfax and Favor, who I’ve been working with since their early days. It has been wonderful to see Marcus and Felix develop their product and brand identity…

B&W Reviews… The HAAS Brush Collection

Priced at £65 for a set of 4 brushes, the HAAS collection is a top end choice for riders wanting the ultimate in brush tech for their horses. Made in Germany, the HAAS website explains that many of their brushes now use specially selected synthetic materials as the basis for all brushes and combs. You may think this lessens the quality and makes them feel a little ‘plastic’ but by using synthetics their brushes can offer: better hygiene (as all products are washable), increased reliability and longevity, comfortable handling (they all have a hand strap like a body brush), water resistance, retention of bristles and a stronger build quality. Looks wise, I couldn’t tell the difference between these brushes and some of my natural ones….

The tale of the rag rug… and taking time with horses

A long, long time ago, in a past life, I used to teach art, and make a lot of my own work too. I was quite successful, with pieces in the permanent collection at the V&A and in various private and public collections across the world. I loved it… but it’s a hard career to keep going. You need time… studio and research time to keep the ideas developing. With teaching to earn a living and then having kids and a family to look after I fell out of love with making ‘stuff’…